Public Affairs and Government Relations
• Strong local, state and federal (bipartisan) relationships and contacts
• Strategic intelligence to develop winning tactics and persuasive messaging
• Public affairs campaign management
• Proven ability to recruit, educate and prepare local stakeholders to engage/act
• Public policy and issues management
Working with Hall Strategies, SRW & Associates was tasked to work in east Tennessee on School Choice, better known as Vouchers. It was a multi-faceted campaign of educating legislators on the legislation, using grasstops to write Letters to the Editor, and Opinion Editorials. We also engaged local private, independent schools in the area to weigh in with legislators on how it would benefit them. We set up seminars at the local Chamber of Commerce to educate business leaders and solicit their support.
SRW & Associates was chosen to work with a Washington, D. C. firm to provide grassroots and grasstops strategy for the Coaltion for Medicare Choices in Tennessee. Our plan included getting support from Tennessee's federal delegation as well as creating a media campaign statewide to solidify support for Medicare Advantage. The end goal was to solicit Tennessee Congressmen and Senators to sign a Medicare Advantage support letter.